Published 09/03/2018
So you’re ready to hire an assistant stylist and delegate a few tasks but have no idea where to even start! The decision to hire an assistant plays on many factors, all of which you must consider before making a decision on whether or not to hire someone. If your business is growing at a…

So you’re ready to hire an assistant stylist and delegate a few tasks but have no idea where to even start! The decision to hire an assistant plays on many factors, all of which you must consider before making a decision on whether or not to hire someone. If your business is growing at a steady pace and your to-do list is getting longer, it may be wise to consider saving your valuable time for the important things. Here are a few tips to help you take the leap with confidence:

Step One | There will never be a perfect time

If you’re waiting until you’ve set up a budget or think you can still handle it all on your own, then stop. The reality is, you will never feel truly ready (financially at least), to hire someone. The timing will never be “just right”.  There’s a point at which you have to face an issue and accept that an additional set of hands will help you on your journey. Keeping the long-term goals of your business in mind is also a motivator to get tasks done efficiently, which will make you want to focus on the important stuff,  hence the need for an assistant.

Step Two |  Visualise what needs to be done

Spend a week noting down in bullet points what you do each day. At the end of the week,  draw up two columns:

  • Column one: What YOU have to do that can’t be outsourced.
  • Column two: What someone else could do if you gave them the right tools and training.

Writing it down on paper and visualising what kind of resources you actually need will help you get really clear on what areas you intend on delegating to someone else. Plus, it’ll help you write up a proper job description too.

Step Three | Do your research

Do a little math beforehand to help you avoid any financial and unwanted surprises down the track. Here are three main points to consider:

  • Work out what you need to earn each week to cover your potential assistant’s wage or fees, this will make the value of hiring someone feel more tangible and doable.  
  • Work out if you need to hire them as an employee or freelancer.  Being cost-effective and having an idea of how many hours you will need them for will help you with the research on covering wages. It maybe be easier, in the long run, to hire on a task-by-task basis. If you’re unsure of the difference between employee and freelance wages, you can get a little more info here.
  • Work out how they’ll report to you. Do you need them to keep a time tracker or spreadsheet of their completed jobs? Or maybe you’re big on verbal communication and daily updates. Being clear on your expectations will help make it easier for both of you to work smoothly and coherently.

Step Four | Make it official

Making your assistant an official part of your business will help you feel on track and professional. Do they need their own email address?  Any new email addresses for my business are automatically sent to me so I can give a quick glance and flick a rough reply to my assistant if she’s unsure how to answer.  She then writes it up into something more presentable for the client. This saves me time but also trains my assistant on informal emails and communication with clients. It also makes for a more professional perception of your business.

GUESS WHAT?! I’m beyond excited to be launching my Mentor Program this Thursday, 6th September and only have very few spaces left. If you’ve been thinking about working with a mentor to guide you through the next stage of growing your business and to get laser-focused on your direction, goals and how to actually achieve them, then this program is for YOU!

I will be jumping into the driver seat of your business and sharing game-changing business advice with you over 4 weeks. The best part is that I work in the decorating industry every day and have grown a successful business from the exact information I’m sharing in this program. So, let’s roll up our sleeves and do this together!  


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