Life In Style

Published 02/21/2013
  Trade Fairs always mean a big day out with sore feet guaranteed, but Life In Style never disappoints. The suppliers always put in such a great effort with their stands and the products are equally as fabulous. These were my favourite pics from the fair. Unfortunately some suppliers wouldn't let me photograph their products…
life in style trade fair
Mrs Darcy Prettiness!


Voyager Candles, Cloth Fabric & The Brown Trading Co

Trade Fairs always mean a big day out with sore feet guaranteed, but Life In Style never disappoints. The suppliers always put in such a great effort with their stands and the products are equally as fabulous. These were my favourite pics from the fair. Unfortunately some suppliers wouldn’t let me photograph their products so I couldn’t share all the treasures I found yesterday. 🙁

Did anyone else attend? What were your favourite stands?

Emma x

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