Capture the perfect shot with curated editorial photgraphy.

Showcasing your products for the online world and print magazines is one of the most important elements in your marketing plan.
Our team brings a wealth of editorial photography knowledge to each photoshoot to showcase your products in the best light possible.
With Emma and Marj having worked as stylists for eCommerce store we have created rooms out of thin air, hunted high and low for the perfect background props, faked views from windows with clever stage design and so much more.
With Emma and Marj having worked as stylists for eCommerce store we have created rooms out of thin air, hunted high and low for the perfect background props, faked views from windows with clever stage design and so much more.
Services include:
Building custom sets
Location Scouting
Prop Sourcing
Photography & Lighting
We've Worked with: name a few!