Reed Gift Fair Favourites

Published 09/16/2012
Jen, Naomi and I toddled off to the Reed Gift Fair on Saturday and explored what our suppliers had on offer, it's always fun to walk the fairs with friends, we oohed and ahhed over the products on display for hours. Here's a round up of some of my favourite products...   a. Bamboo Fibre…

Jen, Naomi and I toddled off to the Reed Gift Fair on Saturday and explored what our suppliers had on offer, it’s always fun to walk the fairs with friends, we oohed and ahhed over the products on display for hours. Here’s a round up of some of my favourite products…


a. Bamboo Fibre Dinnerware from Ecowares

b. Juju Hat from Craft Enterprises

c. Fouta Towels from Focal Point Home

d. Recycled Rubber Storage Tubs from Enliven Giftware

e. Candles from Elume

Emma x

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