I’ve been offering e-decorating services for just over three years now so it’s something I’d say I’m pretty familiar with but I often meet people who ask me what I do and stare blankly at me when I say I offer e-decorating services. This happened last week at a networking event I went to with a fellow business owner. It is usually men who have no idea what I’m talking about but it got me thinking that surely there are others out there who have NO clue about what e-decorating actually is! Below is a little diagram explaining the process in more detail but in plain terms, it’s basically decorating and styling help specific to your homes requirements delivered to you via email rather than inviting me into your home.

Okay so you see how it works but how will it actually help you? Well, everything I source I source specifically for your home, it’s not like I have a bunch of different mood boards that I just rotate around to clients. I study the photos you send me very closely and identify what can stay, what needs to go and then I make a little shopping list and I start picking things I think will suit the look and feel you are aiming for with your home. This is quite time consuming and often people ask me why I don’t just have a template of designs I send to clients and I say to them, well that wouldn’t make it very special and unique to the person purchasing the mood boards now would it? Every home is different and every homeowners needs and wants are different so I need to make sure everything I source will work well in that space.
One of the most common questions I’m asked by new and potential clients is, “what happens if I’m not happy with the design?”. I understand that everyone pictures things differently in their heads so when I put together a mood board it may not be exactly to your liking….this has actually only happened once in the 3 years I’ve been offering e-decorating so I think it’s safe to say my intuition is pretty spot on for what I think your home needs. However, if you aren’t 100% happy with everything on the mood board then I am happy to source one more option for you on the pieces that you feel don’t fit the brief you’ve given.
Here’s a little collage of some of my latest mood boards – quite a vast array of styles don’t you think?
[rev_slider E-Decorating14]
If you’d like help getting your house looking like a welcoming, comfy home email me to see how we can work together or fill in the questionnaire to get started.