Melbourne Take Two

Published 08/02/2012
I may have missed out on Decoration + Design but there's three big trade fairs on this weekend in Melbourne: Life in Style, Reed & Home & Giving. So I'm jumping on a plane tonight to head down for the weekend and check out all the new goodies from my suppliers and I'm armed with…

I may have missed out on Decoration + Design but there’s three big trade fairs on this weekend in Melbourne: Life in Style, Reed & Home & Giving. So I’m jumping on a plane tonight to head down for the weekend and check out all the new goodies from my suppliers and I’m armed with a list of places to visit for drinks and dinner! Who else is coming along??

Emma x

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Emma Blomfield 101: All About Me (since you asked…)

Join me for a quick introduction to the Emma Blomfield blog. Here, I'll share more about my life as a self-taught interior designer in Sydney, with personal stories and behind-the-scenes insights.
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