Trade Fair Craziness

Published 08/07/2012
Well, what a weekend. It was non-stop from the second I landed on Friday night until Sunday night when I finally got home. The Melbourne trade fairs (Reed, Home & Giving + Life In Style) are absolutely huge in comparison to the Sydney and Brisbane fairs. I really did need more than a weekend to…

Well, what a weekend. It was non-stop from the second I landed on Friday night until Sunday night when I finally got home. The Melbourne trade fairs (Reed, Home & Giving + Life In Style) are absolutely huge in comparison to the Sydney and Brisbane fairs. I really did need more than a weekend to explore the whole lot (I didn’t even make it to the shops! Gasp!). As it was I only made it through half of Life In Style and missed out on seeing lots of suppliers I’ve dealt with via email and would loved to have met. Oh well, there will be more fairs in September and again in February.

There were loads of pretty things to see, a few favourites of mine were Mrs Darcy (aka Ada & Darcy), The Brown Trading Co (finally met Keren, she’s delightful!), Collect Home, Have You Met Miss Jones (Jennifer always has the cutest stand!) and Enjoy Lighting as always.

Who else made it to the fairs? What were your favourite stands?

Emma x

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