10 Apps for Interior Stylists

Published 05/11/2014
If it wasn't for the iPhone and some great apps, I wouldn't be able to run my business from anywhere in the world. I've compiled a list of my top 10 apps that keep my business running. I'd love to hear what apps you use and love, I'm always on the look out for more!
Apps for Small Business

If it wasn’t for the iPhone and some great apps, I wouldn’t be able to run my business from anywhere in the world. I’ve compiled a list of my top 10 apps that keep my business running. I’d love to hear what apps you use and love, I’m always on the look out for more!

1. Dropbox – it’s the easiest way for me to stay in touch with various freelancers that work for me – we sync folders and know what needs working on or what’s been completed.

2. Mail Chimp – I create my newsletters with Mail Chimp and the app lets me track how the newsletter is performing once I hit send.

3. Big Cartel Checkout – I often hold stalls at markets where I sell my cushions and other bits and pieces so this app lets me process payments using customers credit cards and means I don’t need to bother with cash or credit card machines.

4. Room Planner – this one is for the iPad and allows you to create floor plans very easily – great when trying to explain to clients how their new furniture will look.

5. Feedly – how I keep track of all my favourite blogs.

6. Pinterest – keeps me entertained when waiting for a client meeting!

7. Overgram – lets you write captions and add text on top of photos – great for social media images.

8. Xero – Best accounting software out. And the app allows me to invoice on the run.

9. Eventbrite Entry – when I host decorating workshops or shopping tours this app lets me tick off everyone as they arrive so I know who’s arrived and who’s late!

10. Producteev – a great task management app that I can share with freelancers.

What are your lifesaving apps?

Emma x

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