Mentor Program For 2019

Published 01/21/2019
Transform your interiors business in just four weeks! Join my revamped mentor program starting March 7, 2019, and gain essential skills to attract ideal clients.

My mentor program is back for 2019 and due to a number of requests, I’ve moved the intake back to 7th March (from 7th Feb). The start of a new year is hectic enough and a few of my students have asked if it can be moved back so that the kids are settled back in school and you’ve had enough time to get your ducks in a row and ready to learn again.

This is a 4 week transformational program designed to get your interiors business running smoothly allowing you to focus more time on securing the right kind of clients and doing the work you love – designing rooms, not running spreadsheets!

The program requires you to commit to a one hour video call every Thursday at 10am (you can watch the rerun if you can’t make it live) and about an hour and 30 minutes of reading on top of this per week. Think about how much Instagram time you can find in a week…. It’s really not that much of an imposition on your business but you’ll be shocked at how much further ahead it will get you.

One of the most common remarks from my previous students is how amazed they are at what they manage to achieve in a month with a little bit of accountability. Running a solo biz is hard work but it’s also pretty easy to slack off if no one’s asking you what you’ve achieved for the day or around to micro manage you and your to-do list. So come armed to the program with a list of things you want to achieve and see how quickly you knock them off your to do list once you find the time to dedicate to your business.

Four Week Program

Each Thursday I release the week’s topic (see below framework) and you watch me live via video link as I talk you through the week’s topic in detail. There’s plenty of question and answer time and because I keep the group small it allows me to get to know each of your businesses and I tailor the week’s content to suit you all.

What do we cover?

WEEK ONE: Why Are you Even In Business?!

Let’s work out what fuels you to get up and do what you do each day. Who’s your ideal client?

WEEK TWO: Branding Your Creative Business

What your graphics design says about your business, why you need professional branding and how to work with a designer without getting ripped off.

WEEK THREE: Marketing Your Creative Business

How to sell your services without feeling icky, How to convert leads into paying clients + Social Media Marketing

WEEK FOUR: Pricing Your Creative Services

Pricing packages to keep you employed! Yay!

One on One Call

At the end of the course we have a one on one call to run through any further issues concerning you in business and work on an action plan to get you all fired up and ready to smash it in business. The 60 minute call allows us to run through any key insights that came up for you during the program and how you can gain fundamental skills to conquer your business dreams for 2019.

Unlimited Support

Throughout the program and beyond you have access to a private Facebook group where you can network with the other creative students in the group. I’ve had many students tell me this is one of their favourite aspects of the program as they realised they weren’t the only ones struggling with the same problems and have actually gone on to make friends in real life! How cool is that?! I am in the Facebook group encouraging you to share and answering any of your questions throughout the program too so there’s plenty of support all round.

Program costs $850. Or three monthly instalments of $295.

Does the price of the program trigger anything for you? I used to have some resistance around spending on furthering my education or business knowledge but quickly came to realise that if I stopped investing in myself and my knowledge my business would suffer. I’ve spent thousands of dollars on eCourses, coaches and mentor programs and have found much of this to be even more beneficial than my university degree. So ask yourself if you’re prepared to invest in the future of your business and do you value the importance of further education enough to invest in yourself right now?

So, what are you waiting for? Enrol now!!

Emma x 

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