Interview with Kellie from Ada & Darcy

Published 02/14/2012
  If you haven’t already discovered Ada & Darcy, then you must, must, must check it out. I often recommend the site to my e-decorating clients because they ship all over Australia and have a gorgeous selection of goodies that aren’t available in most retail stores. You’ll find textiles, brightly colour decorative pieces, fabulous statement lamps…


If you haven’t already discovered Ada & Darcy, then you must, must, must check it out. I often recommend the site to my e-decorating clients because they ship all over Australia and have a gorgeous selection of goodies that aren’t available in most retail stores. You’ll find textiles, brightly colour decorative pieces, fabulous statement lamps and now a funky range of bar carts from Society Social! I thought I’d ask the owner Kellie some questions about the site and what motivated her to start her own homewares store and also the meaning behind the cool name!

Did you previously work in interior decorating or is this a new career change?

I actually have a background in banking and finance and have completed business degrees rather than design. I was always a creative person by nature although decided when finishing school a corporate career was a ‘sensible’ choice. Over time I realised that my passion was with things that played to my love for textiles, design and colours. I love fashion but didn’t wish to work in the industry (i’d much prefer to shop) but interiors and decorating i just loved when i started to dabble in it.

When did you start Ada & Darcy & what gave you the idea to start up?

I started Ada and Darcy just after my husband Luke and I got married which was back in December 2008. I started with my blog, testing the waters, wondering if anyone would firstly read it, and secondly, like the same thing I did. From there it just grew and I launched the store after a lot of planning.

Where did you get the inspiration for the name?

Ada and Darcy came from my grandmother who was left of centre for her generation. She was controversial, funny, fiesty and above all, was incredibly supportive with everything I did. Her name was Doreen Ada Darcy and since she was so pivotal in my life growing up, it was perfectly fitting for me to remember her through the name of the store.

You have a very stylish and colourful site and your products are so unique – describe the style of Ada & Darcy.

The style would be described as colourful, fun and absolutely feminine. I tend to love clashing textiles, vibrant pieces that can be moved around the home and items that people will ask you about if they see them in your home.

How do you decide which goodies to list on the site?

I make my choices often by what ‘feels’ right and has the x-factor in my mind (i shop for my clothes the same way). I tend to know now what my customers would like, so I always try to keep my customer base front of mind as well.

What is your most popular product on the site?

Possibly my cushions or foo dogs (I can never seem to keep them in stock for longer than a few days)! Our colourful rugs are also really popular too.

Do you think you’ll stick to online or plans to set up a store one day?

I would love to open a store one day. Right now, I’m focusing on growing the store and launching a wholesale line of furniture, textiles and lifestyle products called Mrs Darcy as well as about to distribute a US furniture range which is very exciting. Im always looking for the ‘perfect’ location which sadly I haven’t quite found yet.

Do you find a lot of customers are based in rural areas?

I have a mix of clients, some from the city and lots from more rural areas. I love working with rural clients as they often share their beautiful homes with me, it’s wonderful to hear how happy they are with their homes looking beautiful.

Favourite part of the job?

Sourcing beautiful products and packing them up for lovely customers.

Least favourite part of the job?

Things taking longer to arrive in stock than planned. I’m terribly impatient and like things being on time.

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