Makeover at the Children’s Hospital

Published 03/20/2019
Discover how a heartfelt charity makeover transformed the Child Protection Unit at Randwick Children's Hospital, creating a safe, comforting space for children in crisis.

Over the past few months I’ve been working quietly behind the scenes on a little charity makeover with my lovely friends at Rug Culture.

Afsoon from Rug Culture and I were first introduced to the Child Protection Unit (CPU) at the Children’s Hospital in Randwick in September last year. I naively never really knew that such a place even existed. I now know that it is a vital care facility providing 24-hour crisis counselling and medical services for children and young people who have experienced sexual assault, physical abuse, or emotional abuse and neglect.


Before Makeover
AFTER Makeover

The existing furniture was tired, old and stained from years of use and the overall feeling in the unit was a little glum because of it. So we opened up our contacts book and reached out to some friends and acquaintances to call in favours and makeover the space. We know that ultimately this makeover doesn’t change anything about the circumstances in which the children find themselves in but our hope is that the CPU is a safe, comfortable and secure space for them to meet with their counsellors and help them in their journey through.

With the help of some very generous donations we were able to replace the sofa, add rugs to each room, update the cushions on the sofas, add some nice diffusers to each of the rooms, replace the side tables and coffee tables and add some beautiful quotes to the wall and an amazing world map. I think it came up looking a treat!

While we were installing we had a number of the social workers pop their heads in and rave about how much better it looked. When we had finished for the day one of the social workers came in and burst into tears because she couldn’t believe how much difference we had made. We have since heard that one of the adolescents who came in later that night for a consultation said that the room felt much more comfortable and nice and bright now. So I think it’s safe to say, mission accomplished.

We would like to thank the following businesses for their kind support:

InokoIncy Interiors | Temple & Webster | Frenchie Knows Best | The Wallsticker Company | Rug Culture | Unitex International


Emma x


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