Movie Houses

Published 09/11/2012
I have this really bad habit of concentrating too much on the decor of houses when watching movies than I do on the story line. I can't help it. One of my favourite movie houses is Diane Keaton's in Something's Gotta Give.  Writer, Nancy Meyers is known for other great movie houses like The Holiday,…

I have this really bad habit of concentrating too much on the decor of houses when watching movies than I do on the story line. I can’t help it. One of my favourite movie houses is Diane Keaton’s in Something’s Gotta Give.  Writer, Nancy Meyers is known for other great movie houses like The Holiday, It’s Complicated and Father of The Bride. I think I’m going to need a movie day soon to gawk at those houses again.. What’s your favourite movie house?

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Emma x

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