I’m a few days late with an update but the Pop Up Shop on Saturday was a huge success. I had so much fun it was ridiculous. If anyone out there has an empty shop that needs filling please let me know because I want my own shop!!
Here’s a few pictures of the day. Isn’t it a gorgeous space?!
I met so many lovely people who I’ve only ever spoken to online, thank you for making the trip in the rain to see me. It has been the wettest fortnight of the year here in Sydney and it was absolutely torrential on Saturday so I’d love to do another in the sunshine soon!
And the cushion covers you see in pics above will be available online very soon. I’m just getting the rest printed and sewn up then photographed and they’ll be online. If you’d like to order any in the meantime please shoot me an email.
I plan to do at least one more before the end of the year if not more and if the universe is listening, a few interstate too!