Rural Workshop with Jumbled

Published 07/19/2013
I am seriously looking forward to driving up to Orange in August to hold the Jumbled Decorating Workshop. As I said last week, these rural workshops are something I’ve been wanting to do for some time now and the response I’ve had from this first one has been so amazing we’ve added another workshop on…

I am seriously looking forward to driving up to Orange in August to hold the Jumbled Decorating Workshop. As I said last week, these rural workshops are something I’ve been wanting to do for some time now and the response I’ve had from this first one has been so amazing we’ve added another workshop on the Sunday which has already sold out too.


I’m not the biggest fan of public speaking but we are keeping the workshops quite intimate and I’ve been doing this decorating thing for long enough now to know what I’m talking about so I don’t think I’ll be lost for words, just a bit nervous! We will be discussing all things decorating then making up mood boards for each person in the class to take home and use as the inspiration to decorate their home.

I have had a few people approach me about workshops in their local towns but would love to hear from more of you if you’re interested and I can add your town to my list, just leave a comment below!!

Emma x

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